Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I R E  /  I R E Q

This is an I R E / I R E Q speech anchoring system, which works well with helping beginner and emerging ESL students build speaking and writing confidence. 

Ideas can either be self-directed or given to stimulate natural language development. 

Simple Ideas
1. What is your favourite food?
2. Do you use social media?
3. What is your favourite subject?
4. What is your favourite time to study?
5. Do you like taking food pictures?
6. What do you do with your friends?
7. Are fast foods healthy?
8. Do you like watching movies?
9. Where would you like to travel to?
10. Do you eat breakfast every day?
Medium Ideas
1. Do you think girls and boys are better at different subjects?
2. What can you do to help the environment?
3. Do you think that cooking classes should be mandatory?
4. Who do you like being friends with?
5. Why do some have idols?
6. Does being beautiful or handsome increase job opportunities?
7. Should young children spend more time studying or playing?
8. Do you think students learn more from field trips or talks?
9. How can YouTube be educational?
10. Do you think robots might be better caregivers than humans?
Difficult Ideas
1. Why do  you think that YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise?
2. If you could have a superpower, which power would you choose?
3. How does doing military service influence a sense of citizenship?
4. In what ways can the government mitigate the wealth-gap in Hong Kong?
5. What new energy sources can replace fossil fuels?
6. What can be done to increase the number of girls enrolling in STEM classes?
7. What challenges do you think SEN students face in integrated schools?
8. Do you think IT should be a compulsory subject, like mathematics. 
9. How can Hong Kong increase the efficiency of its waste management systems?
10. What impact do you think robots will have on the 21st labour market?

Whenever ideas are introduced they need to be backed-up with reasons. 

Simple Example: 1. What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is fruit, because I love all the different kinds of fruit. 
Medium Example: 1. Do you think girls and boys are better at different subjects?
Yes, I think girls and boys are better at different subjects, because I think from the time we are born, we are slotted into different gender roles. 
Difficult Example: 1. Why do  you think that YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise?
I think YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise, because young people spend more time watching YouTube or following bloggers. 

Whenever ideas are introduced they need to be backed-up with a reason.

Simple Example: 1. What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is fruit, because I love all the different kinds of fruit. For example, I will usually eat one or two pieces for breakfast every day. 
Medium Example: 1. Do you think girls and boys are better at different subjects?
Yes, I think girls and boys are better at different subjects, because I think from the time we are born, we are slotted into different gender roles. As many research papers have shown, most people have some type of gender-bias, like male fighter pilots are better than their counterparts. 
Difficult Example: 1. Why do  you think that YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise?
I think YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise, because young people spend more time watching YouTube or following bloggers.  This is not just because watching these platforms is more convenient, but also, because viewers have greater access to the these celebrities; therefore, it is easier for viewers to feel connected or appreciated. 

In a group discussion, encourage all participants to ask specific questions about what they have said. 

Simple Example: 1. What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is fruit, because I love all the different kinds of fruit. For example, I will usually eat one or two pieces for breakfast every day. What do you usually eat for breakfast // What is your favourite food? // Do you have favourite foods?
Medium Example: 1. Do you think girls and boys are better at different subjects?
Yes, I think girls and boys are better at different subjects, because I think from the time we are born, we are slotted into different gender roles. As many research papers have shown, most people have some type of gender-bias, like male fighter pilots are better than their counterparts. Do you think girls and boys are better at doing different things? 
Difficult Example: 1. Why do  you think that YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise?
I think YouTube and Blog stars are on the rise, because young people spend more time watching YouTube or following bloggers.  This is not just because watching these platforms is more convenient, but also, because viewers have greater access to the these celebrities; therefore, it is easier for viewers to feel connected or appreciated by their idol. Do you think that it is shallow for people to invest so much time into following their favourite online stars?

Click to listen to some in-class IREQ practice